Cloud Computing 101: How the Cloud Supports Telecommuting

July 2, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InfoTech Group. Author: Steve Saslow.

What a different world we live in than the one most of us grew up in, am I right? – Mobile technology. A wealth of information our ancestors couldn’t have dreamed of at our fingertips. A computer just recently passed the Turing Test for the first time, and Google is making investments in research and development firms that aim to “cure” aging.

Unlike the brave men and women who braved the primitive Earth before us, carving out their survival wherever they stood, today’s men and women can run businesses and work for corporations from the comfort of their own homes or even while moving swiftly around the planet…

How the Cloud Supports Telecommuting

Telecommuting may never be the norm, but many companies gain a wide range of benefits by at least making it an option. Maybe you’d like to do the same but aren’t sure how. So today, we have a look at Cloud Computing 101…

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