Cloud-Based Technology Continuing To Positively Transform Legal Industry

January 25, 2019 Off By David

Article Written by Sally Perkins

Enterprises can increase their revenue by 23% simply by relying on digital-first strategies that focus on achieving strategic business goals. Embracing digital transformation is an issue that has plagued companies in every single industry for over a decade now. One of the biggest aspects of this transformation is the shift to cloud-based enterprise solutions, and it’s no different for the legal industry. As cybersecurity myths continue to be debunked and data privacy rules change for the better, law firms and tech-savvy clients alike are seeing the benefits of cloud-based technology and reaping the benefits of it, too.

Addressing Issues Of Data Security

Cybersecurity and data privacy are two of the most pressing concerns that companies in the legal industry have when choosing whether or not to adopt cloud-based technology. In fact, when asked about this problem, 66% of respondents said that security is their biggest concern regarding adopting an enterprise cloud computing platform. However, law firms all around the world currently operate under strict, often very specific data security processes developed to protect sensitive data. Seeing as this is one industry in which professionals are groomed, from the beginning, to protect data at all costs, it is becoming more and more recognized that firms that have transitioned to a cloud-based solution are becoming better equipped at mitigating the associated risks. From growth management to business continuity and even up-to-date compliance regulations, cybersecurity concerns are being toppled by numerous benefits to both lawyers and their clients. 

Technology Redefining The Legal Process

As more millennials come of age and require the services of law firms, they will have to work to cater to their needs and preferences. In fact, in the UK, 30% of millennials say that they’d prefer to use cloud-based technology to share legal documents with their lawyer, signaling a huge shift in the ways that law firms communicate with clients and the need for widespread adoption. Of this shift, experts in the legal community note that law firms will need to embrace a shift towards cloud-based solutions that offer more integrative document management, more accurate billing and more comprehensive communication with clients. With the ability to securely save, send and access documents from anywhere in the world, cloud-based solutions offer law firms in the 21st century the ability to not only keep track of more documents but access them when and where they need to.

Catering To The Needs Of A Digitally-Based Audience

Law firms that have already implemented cloud-based solutions have seen a positive shift in their business practices. Of the changes, law firms note that they are able to more effectively manage the endless amounts of paperwork in their field while also creating more accurate billing invoices and communicating more effectively and accurately with their clients. These changes and many more will continue to revolutionize the legal industry in a positive way, which will lead to more time and money spent on making cloud-based legal solutions safer and more accessible.


About the Author

Sally Perkins is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.

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