Cloud, App Economy Converge to Create Extremely Lightweight Businesses

March 19, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from Forbes.  Author: Joe McKendrick.

With the rise of cloud computing, we’re seeing more of a new breed of extremely lightweight company, unencumbered by capital investments, acting as a broker of services assembled from offerings drawn from or supported by third-party providers. Imagine the possibilities when this is combined with the emerging mobile “App Economy,” in which budding enterprises can be supported by micro-revenues streaming in from online app sales.

One such story is Visible Market, creators of StockTouch, an app that tracks financial data. Visible Market, launched about a year ago, represents a new breed of business startup, built on the cloud and catering to a highly mobile user base…

I recently spoke with Jennifer Johnson, CEO and co-founder of Visible Market, about the opportunities that cloud computing has opened up for startup ventures such as hers. Since its launch last summer, Visible Market has had close to 60,000 downloads of StockTouch, a $4.99 app that enables users to quickly understand in a very visual way the overall state of the stock market, and then drill down further to the individual stock level.

Johnson relates that the company was able to launch quickly and with relatively modest costs, and also is capable of expanding into new markets, with the same speed and agility, with new apps offering financial information and analysis. For starters, StockTouch’s startup costs were minimal, with no server or IT infrastructure per se, rather, it brokers data and capabilities from service providers to its market. “We launched our company with three people,” she  says. “We wouldn’t have been able to have done that without the cloud.”

In addition, the company is a classic example of the emerging “App Economy,” which TechNet, a consortium of tech business leaders, estimates is  now is responsible for roughly 466,000 jobs in the United States alone, up from zero in 2007 when the iPhone was introduced. This total includes jobs at ‘pure’ app firms — such as StockTouch — as well as app ‘infrastructure’ jobs at core firms such as Google, Apple, and Facebook. In addition, the App Economy total includes employment spillovers to the rest of the economy.

StockTouch, available at the Apple App Store for the iPad and iPhone, draws up-to-date data from Xignite, a cloud-based provider of financial data, into its applications on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC3), which is then store on Amazon’s S3 cloud storage environment.

With so many low-cost resources at entrepreneurs’ beck and call, the groundwork is being laid for the next generation of businesses. Plus, the beauty of this extreme lightweight business model is that it isn’t just limited to startups. Innovators within larger enterprises, seeking to test or explore new markets, can also take advantage of cloud resources to assemble and package services for consumption by customers.

With cloud resources at the ready, Visible Market does not need to be in a rush to beef up its in-house resources. Recently, the company added two contractors, expanding its workforce from three to five. But the company was able to deliver a range services to tens of thousands of users across the globe without the need for extensive expertise. Without cloud, “we would have had to hire data engineers and more people on the tech side, and a longer runway of time to be able to do what we have done,” says Johnson.

As Visible Market grows, it will stay with the cloud, Johnson says. “We don’t have to think about the capacity of s3.  We don’t have to worry about any server capacity, or scaling on having more and more people use our apps. That architecture is taken care of. I can’t imagine a better way than the way we are doing it now.”

The main challenge the company may face in the future is the need to offer real-time response rates in the sub-second range. “If we went to one-second latency, we might need something a little bit different,” she points out. “As long as we can deliver data within that one-minute latency, we can stay on this architecture, and expand as far as we need to.”

For startups, entrepreneurs, and corporate innovators seeking to build new businesses on the cloud, Johnson advises a thorough analysis of how cloud fits into their business model. “You absolutely have to consider the capabilities of the cloud while you’re working at architecting the business,” she says. “Consider the power that you’re able to deliver, basically from either big data, larges sets of streaming live data, being able to process that, with a really lean team. It enables your company to come up with much more powerful uses of applications and focus on that. If you’re not using the cloud in some, you’re probably missing out on the capacity is of the applications that you’re delivering to the user.”