Cloud Adoption Gets Harder at Each Stage
November 10, 2014Grazed from MobileEnterprise. Author: Editorial Staff.
The mix of technology in the enterprise today varies, but more than 90% of companies are using some form of cloud computing, according to new research from IT industry association CompTIA. Still, as users move beyond experiments and trials into more advanced applications, they’re also facing more challenges, according the Fifth Annual Trends in Cloud Computing study. "This may come as a surprise to some firms, as they may hold an expectation that the initial migration and integration posed the largest obstacles to smooth cloud operations," said Seth Robinson, senior director, technology analysis.
Transition Challenges
In fact, companies that have progressed through several of the adoption stages as defined by CompTIA find that the transitions become more difficult as they move forward. Among companies that have progressed from the first experimental stage to a non-critical use stage, 28% rated the transition as requiring significant effort…
But among users that have moved from full production completely through the progression to a transformed IT stage, 63% rated the final transition as requiring significant effort…
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