Cloud Accounting Benchmark Survey Seeks Participants

February 5, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from PRWeb.  Author: PR Announcement.

The Cloud Accounting Institute (CAI), a clearinghouse of information on cloud computing dedicated to the needs of accounting and finance professionals, invites participation in it’s Benchmark Survey on Software as a Service for Accounting. The survey will relate adoption decisions to company size, perceived benefits, perceived concerns, and experiences with installed software packages. Interested parties are invited to take the survey at

Lindy Antonelli, Chairman and Executive Director of the Cloud Accounting Institute says, “Whether you have already adopted cloud financials or are just considering that move, we hope that you will contribute your views to this important study.  Not only will you will help us understand the phenomenon that is cloud accounting, but more importantly as a participant, you can access the results of this historic research to guide your own decisions…

All responses will be anonymous and confidential, but we will share aggregated results in upcoming Cloud Accounting Institute blogs as well as releasing them to survey participants.”


The Cloud Accounting Institute (CAI) provides information, resources and promotes best practices for SaaS selection, migration, integration and use. CAI publishes the Cloud Accounting blog, case studies, white papers and sponsors research. In 2012, CAI will introduce webinars on cloud accounting issues, and initiate the Cloud Accounting Awards to recognize innovative and accomplished practitioners and practices.

For more information and membership registration, visit the CAI web site,