Client/Server Model Withered Under Cloud Computing’s Shadow

October 15, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from eWeek. Author: Eric Lundquist.

Client/server computing was a technology ahead of its time—and more importantly ahead of the enterprise network infrastructure capabilities of the time. While vendors and users largely agreed on the value of the model and on the best methods to implement the model, hardware and software vendors’ desire to lock users into their product lines as well as the stirrings of the Internet and World Wide Web standards all made for an interesting time in the technology reporting business.

The client/server emerged during the boom years of the PC industry. Client/server computing also helped fuel the adoption of Novell Netware as a means to harness the increasing power of distributed personal computers, combined with the central servers that delivered the application management, data and storage while trying to bring some adult CPU supervision to the unbridled demands for PC access to data center resources…

Those demands came flooding in from the corporate desktops that were connected to local-area networks that were fairly speedy for the time as well as from laptop users who were dialing in via modems. The concept behind client/server computing was solid and an extension of what had been happening in mainframes and dumb terminals ever since the first command line started blinking.

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