Chief information officers ‘should gain software-as-a-service knowledge’

March 17, 2011 Off By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: Neil Hill.

Chief information officers should make sure they are well-versed in the field of software-as-a-service solutions.

According to Shvetank Shah, a contributor to the CIO Insight website, the software-as-a-service market is maturing and chief information officers have a key role to play in ensuring their organisation makes the right decisions about this technology.

"Become a coach in software-as-a-service selection decisions. Leading IT executives and applications groups in the enterprise should adjust how they operate with vendors and business partners," the writer suggested.

It was pointed out that this will help colleagues across an organisation’s various departments who are looking to meet the IT requirements in their area of operation.

Earlier this month, an article by Predictive Communications published on IT Web noted software-as-a-service solutions can benefit insurance companies.

It said it is particularly useful for smaller businesses in this sector, as they can access best practice technology at an affordable cost.