Case Study: Linode Beats Out AWS for

January 7, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Enterprise Networking Planet. Author: Jade Chao.

Numerous analysts, including IDC, predict strong continued growth for cloud computing in 2014 and beyond. And for the enterprise, the overall benefits of the cloud are almost beyond argument. Cloud computing offers flexibility and scalability beyond what many organizations can realistically expect out of on-prem data centers, as well as often significant cost savings. Price and mileage vary between different cloud providers, of course, as does performance. For cloud-based IP camera monitoring startup, the price, mileage, and performance of cloud host Linode proved just right.

The challenges offers a cloud-based video monitoring platform that enables users to monitor, share, and store video feeds from their IP cameras. The company provides motion detection algorithms for more automated surveillance and can automatically alert users of activity in monitored areas. It also automatically stores the most recent 30 days of video for each customer, with still screen captures for quick review. And all this activity means a heavy incoming bandwidth load—70 million uploads per day, or about 2 TB daily, as Adam Beguelin, CEO of, told me…

The options and the solution

As grew, the company began looking for a hosting solution that would meet their scalability, reliability, and affordability needs. In 2008, they considered two providers: Amazon Web Services and Linode. "Amazon was just not as familiar a platform," Beguelin said. His prior experience with Linux made Linode more attractive. "With Linode, it was much easier to create an instance immediately and log in and feel comfortable," he added…

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