Business Owners Shouldn’t Be Scared Of The Cloud

July 7, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from HostReview. Author: Tim Maliyil.

Small business owners and startup founders generally pride themselves on being up-to-date on the latest tech trends. However, many are still unwilling to embrace cloud technology for basic business functions such as email and file storage. They often write cloud computing off as too complicated or not secure, but that simply isn’t the case. I’d like to debunk a few of the myths surrounding cloud-based computing so more businesses feel comfortable leveraging the power of the cloud.

What Is the Cloud?

First, let’s talk about what cloud computing is. Storing things in “the cloud” is a nebulous concept, but really, cloud-based operations encompass any computing application that is completely Internet-based. If you’ve ever used Gmail, for instance, you’ve taken advantage of the cloud…

Taking an entire business’ operations into the virtual realm can be daunting, and many business owners think their non-cloud-based setup works just fine. They may view transitioning to the cloud as more hassle than it’s worth. But there are several benefits to cloud computing:…

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