Business Analytics at the Core of Recent IBM Moves

December 28, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from InfoBoom.  Author: Shawn Drew.

Anyone paying attention to recent developments in cloud computing will understand just how much data is now being stored in private and public clouds around the world. This big data explosion means that companies of all sizes have access to an amount of data that was unthinkable just a few decades ago, but without the ability to perform complex business analytics, companies may just find themselves buried under all this information. Some recent moves by IBM show just how important analytics have become, especially in commerce, and how much they promise to transform the face of business for those who know how to harness them…

IBM Acquires Software Makers

In early December, IBM announced that it will buy out Emptoris, a Massachusetts-based software firm that specializes in supply chain organization and analytics. The company creates software packages, available for deployment on a company’s servers or through the cloud, that assist in supply chain operations by harnessing the power of smart deep analytics…


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