Burger King turns to Equinix for cloud computing support
July 10, 2017Grazed from CNBC. Author: Editorial Staff.
Companies like Burger King might seem antithetical to data centers, but for Equinix CEO Steve Smith, the fast-food chain represents just one of the many clients his data centers serve. "Burger King, as you know, has stores and outlets all over the world. So they have customers, their people and their business deployed all over the world. All that information is distributed," Smith told "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer on Friday.
"It requires local capability on servers, storage arrays and networking gear everywhere that Burger King has outlets." Enter Equinix, an real estate investment trust that runs nearly 180 data centers across 44 of the world’s largest markets. Burger King is just one of the REIT’s 10,000 customers, Smith said…
"They, like any other company, [are] moving more and more of their infrastructure to take advantage of this pay-as-you-go, pay-as-a-service cloud computing capability, whether it’s software, hardware or platform, and they do a lot of that with Equinix," he told Cramer…
Read more from the source @ http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/07/equinix-ceo-how-my-data-center-reit-serves-clients-like-burger-king.html