Blurred lines: How cloud computing is reshaping the IT workforce

July 7, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TheRegister. Author: Editorial Staff.

From every angle, developers are the key to the public cloud. Unfortunately, today’s developers often aren’t up to the challenge and frequently end up being as much of a roadblock as operations administrators. New breeds of technologists are required, bringing new ways of thinking to using the emerging infrastructure superpowers of tomorrow.

Actually, I lie. What’s needed isn’t – for the most part – a particularly new way of thinking. It’s a rather old one, with a twist. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start at the beginning, of the modern era of computing. This began with the introduction of the microcomputer. Suddenly (it took about 15 years) everyone had a computer on their desks. Servers held some centralised resources, but individual PCs could crunch away on things and nobody had to worry about time sharing on mainframes…

The web was born. High level programing languages, just-in-time interpreted languages and markup flourished. Assembler and even languages like COBOL faded. Developers stopped learning about the nitty-gritty of the systems they were developing for; they focused on writing applications and let the compiler, development framework, operating system and hypervisor take care of ensuring things didn’t blow up…

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