Blue Medora Expands SelectStar Monitoring to Big Data Analytics Clusters

February 8, 2017 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Blue Medora

Blue Medora, a leading innovator in IT operational analytics (ITOA) for enterprise cloud, database and infrastructure management, today expanded its SelectStar SaaS monitoring platform to support Apache Hadoop and Cassandra clusters.

SelectStar helps data operations and DevOps teams cope with the rapid changes in data platforms and analytics, including the costs, complexity and availability risks created by massive data processing demands from increasingly popular business-critical applications that leverage distributed architectures like Hadoop and Cassandra.

SelectStar presents a comprehensive view of thousands of health, performance and availability metrics for Hadoop and Cassandra clusters and nodes, as well as historical details for in-depth troubleshooting. With SelectStar, data operations professionals pinpoint and resolve issues faster using a dashboard of an organization’s overall data health.

"Database management has moved beyond typical DBMS, notably with the rise of distributed architectures for analytics. We found many teams didn’t have enterprise-class monitoring for technologies with open-source roots, like Hadoop and Cassandra," said Mike Kelly, SelectStar general manager and CTO of Blue Medora. "By presenting a single dashboard for the entire big data deployment, SelectStar helps customers bring their data layer into this decade and increase analytics performance."

Key benefits of SelectStar Apache Hadoop Monitoring include:

  • Auto-discovery of Hadoop node managers and data nodes
  • Real-time insight into metrics such as bytes written and read-per-cluster and drill-down information about blocks, applications and containers
  • At-a-glance comparison of HDFS and YARN metrics side-by-side
  • Support for AWS cloud and VMware-based infrastructure

Key benefits of SelectStar Apache Cassandra Monitoring include:

  • Auto-discovery of Cassandra nodes
  • Real-time insight into metrics such as reads, mutations and memory and drill-down information on latency, activity and garbage collection on all nodes
  • Support for AWS cloud and VMware-based infrastructure

The new SelectStar monitoring services for Apache Hadoop and Cassandra are available immediately from Blue Medora. For more information, visit