Benefits of Cloud Computing

September 30, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from The American Consumer Institute Center for Citizen Research. Author: Zack Christenson.

Cloud computing, a term unknown to most 10 years ago, is quickly transforming the way we do business today. In the past, companies stored most of their digital information on large server farms that were most likely physically present in the businesses office. Thanks to new technology and the wide availability of high-speed broadband access, that’s no longer necessary.

Cloud computing, to those who aren’t familiar, is when digital files or information are stored on a remote server in another centralized location. Oftentimes, these servers are managed by an outside company (Amazon and Rackspace, for instance). Users can then access their information via an Internet connection, as if the files were stored locally on their own machine, eliminating the need for on-site, or even on-machine, storage…

Cloud computing is growing fast. By the end of 2013, it’s estimated that cloud computing will be a $131 billion dollar global market. According to the Enterprise CIO Forum, at least 80% of CIO’s get some of their current IT infrastructure through a cloud service…

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