Barriers In Cloud Computing Adoption

November 19, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from CloudTweaks.  Author: Abdul Salam.

Though cloud computing is largely considered as the future of enterprise and consumer computing, it is not without its drawbacks and flaws that would prevent those with really special needs to adopt cloud computing into their business or organization. The cloud delivery mechanism, the internet, is leading to new and somewhat questionable revenue streams which are fraught with uncertainty, complexity, and have different privacy and tax compliance depending on the location and this is boggling the minds of users and providers alike.

So let us look at some major problems that inhibit the adoption of cloud computing in some IT organizations…

  • Corporate culture shock –every company has a different culture because of different leaders and practices. If a company is used to doing everything themselves and having power over all that is happening around them suddenly finds that their work routine has shifted dramatically and often find themselves working on something that they really do not need to anymore…

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