AWS cloud growing three times as fast as dot-comming Amazon

November 29, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from The Register. Author: Timothy Prickett Morgan.

Retailing giant Amazon runs AWS as a subsidiary at arm’s length and in a somewhat stealthy manner at that. Having AWS be a little removed from Amazon is necessary because Amazon often competes with some of the companies that want to host applications on its cloud, and the stealth is just a way for AWS to preserve some mystique in terms of just how large the cloud computing unit is and how pervasive its use is.

As the first mover and undisputed leader in cloud computing, what we want to know is exactly the kind of data that Rackspace Hosting provides in its quarterly reports: server count, customer count, employee count, revenue per customer, and revenue by category for the collection of infrastructure and platform services that are known as the AWS cloud…

We also want to know what percentage of Amazon’s own compute capacity is met by AWS and what percent is not, and how much of the AWS revenue and capacity pie is sliced out by Amazon itself. And what El Reg really wants to know is this: Are revenues and profits at AWS sufficient that the rest of us using the AWS cloud are basically paying the bill for Amazon’s IT infrastructure?…

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