AWS Announces Availability of C5 Instances for Amazon EC2

November 9, 2017 Off By David
Graed from Amazon AWS

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) announced the availability of C5 instances, the next generation of compute optimized instances for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Designed for compute-heavy applications like batch processing, distributed analytics, high-performance computing (HPC), ad serving, highly scalable multiplayer gaming, and video encoding, C5 instances feature 3.0 GHz Intel XeonScalable processors (Skylake-SP) up to 72 vCPUs, and 144 GiB of memory-twice the vCPUs and memory of previous generation C4 instances-providing the best price-performance of any Amazon EC2 instance. To get started with C5 instances, visit:

Optimized to deliver the right combination of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity for a wide range of workloads, all latest generation Amazon EC2 instance families-including C5-feature AWS hardware acceleration that delivers consistent, high performance, low latency networking and storage resources. C5 instances provide networking through the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA), a scalable network interface built by AWS to provide direct access to its networking hardware. Additional dedicated hardware and network bandwidth for Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) enables C5 instances to offer high performance storage through the scalable NVM Express (NVMe) interface. C5 instances introduce a new, lightweight hypervisor that allows applications to use practically all of the compute and memory resources of a server, delivering reduced cost and even better performance. C5 instances are available in six sizes-with the four smallest instance sizes offering substantially more Amazon EBS and network bandwidth than the previous generation of compute optimized instances.

"Customers have been happily using Amazon EC2’s unmatched selection of instances for more than 11 years, yet they’ll always take higher and more consistent performance if it could be offered in a cost-effective way. One of the challenges in taking this next step is how to leverage the cost efficiency of virtualization while consuming hardly any overhead for it," said Matt Garman, Vice President, Amazon EC2, AWS. "We’ve been working on an innovative way to do this that comes to fruition with Amazon EC2 C5 instances. Equipped with our new cloud-optimized hypervisor, C5 instances set a new standard for consistent, high-performance cloud computing, eliminating practically any virtualization overhead through custom AWS hardware, and delivering a 25 percent improvement in compute price-performance over C4 instances-with some customers reporting improvements of well over 50 percent."

Netflix is the world’s leading internet television network with 104 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day. "In our testing, we saw significant performance improvement on Amazon EC2 C5, with up to a 140 percent performance improvement in industry standard CPU benchmarks over C4," said Amer Ather, Cloud Performance Architect at Netflix. "The 15 percent price reduction in C5 will deliver a compelling price-performance improvement over C4."

iPromote provides digital advertising solutions to 40,000 small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). "iPromote processes billions of ad serving bid transactions every day," said Matt Silva, COO at iPromote. "During testing, C5 instances improved our application’s request execution time by over 50 percent and significantly improved our network performance overall."

Grail is a life sciences company whose mission is to detect cancer early, when it can be cured. "Our platform processes a huge amount of DNA sequencing data to detect faint tumor DNA signals in a sea of background noise," said Cos Nicolaou, Head of Technology at Grail. "We are eager to migrate onto the AVX-512 enabled c5.18xlarge instance size. With this change, we expect to decrease the processing time of some of our key workloads by more than 30 percent."

Alces Flight Compute makes it easy for researchers to spin up High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters of any size on AWS. "With the support for AVX-512, the new c5.18xlarge instance provides a 200 percent improvement in FLOPS compared to the largest C4 instance," said Wil Mayers, Director of Research and Development for Alces. "This will reduce the execution time of the scientific models that our customers run on the Alces Flight platform. The larger c5.18xlarge size with 72vCPUs reduces the number of instances in the cluster, and has a direct benefit for our user base on both price and performance dimensions."

Rescale enables customers in the aerospace, automotive, life sciences and energy sectors to run utility supercomputers using AWS. "C5 fully supports NVMe and is ideal for the I/O intensive HPC workloads seen on Rescale’s ScaleX® platform," Ryan Kaneshiro, Chief Architect at Rescale, said. "C5’s higher clock speed and AVX-512 instruction set will allow our customers to run their CAE simulations significantly faster than on C4 instances."

Customers can purchase Amazon EC2 C5 instances as On-demand, Reserved, or Spot instances. C5 instances are generally available today in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon) and, EU (Ireland) regions, with support for additional regions coming soon. They are available in six sizes with 2, 4, 8, 16, 36, and 72 vCPUs.