Author: David

November 28, 2010 Off

New TwinStrata and Scality partnership delivers turnkey private cloud storage solutions

By David
Grazed from PRNews Wire.  Author:  PR Announcement.

TwinStrata, Inc., the leading innovator in data protection and iSCSI cloud storage solutions, has integrated Scality’s RING storage platform into its family of CloudArray virtual and physical appliances. With the addition of Scality integration, CloudArray customers can now easily choose and deploy either a private cloud environment or connect with internationally available public cloud providers powered by Scality RING and receive off-site data protection and disaster recovery capabilities on a "plug-and-play" basis.

TwinStrata’s CloudArray’s "like local" performance, control, and policy-driven automation enables Scality customers to leverage the on-demand elasticity and adaptability of Scality’s RING cloud storage through innovative asynchronous replication, in-cloud snapshots, dynamic caching, in-flight and at-rest encryption, compression, iSCSI, and continuous access to and control of data in the cloud. In the event of a disruption or an outage, data can be rapidly restored on-site, off-site, or in the cloud, providing secure, anywhere, anytime application and data accessibility…

November 27, 2010 Off

Mobile Cloud Computing Forum Close to Selling Out

By David
Grazed from  Author: PR Announcement.

There is less than a week remaining to book one of the limited places left at the Mobile Cloud Computing Forum – – taking place next Wednesday 1st December at RIBA, London.

The highly anticipated 1 day conference and exhibition will include an overview of the Mobile Cloud Computing Proposition and Marketplace, Mobile Cloud and Enterprise Applications, The Challenges for the Mobile Cloud and The Future of Mobile.

November 26, 2010 Off

Cloud computing ‘can shape the businesses of tomorrow’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

Cloud computing is being recognised as a key technology for the future by a growing number of businesses.

According to research carried out by Frost & Sullivan, around 25 per cent of enterprises are currently employing cloud computing solutions in some form, with 61 per cent planning to increase their use of the service during 2011.

Arun Chandrasekaran, research manager at Frost & Sullivan, said the technology is attracting the attention of IT decision makers, who realise its potential benefits.

November 26, 2010 Off

Cloud computing fad becomes reality

By David
Grazed from ZDNet.  Author: Tyler Thia.

The Frost & Sullivan survey, carried out in August and September, also revealed that 23 percent of respondents use some form of cloud computing, while 61 percent plan to increase spending on it next year.

About 330 senior IT managers participated in the survey.

The research firm said these results indicated that most companies have either initiated discussions or have already started using cloud computing despite it being labeled as another "vaporware".

November 26, 2010 Off

Kroes calls for better EU cloud security

By David
Grazed from ZDNet.  Author:  Jack Clark.

"A cloud without robust data protection is not the sort of cloud we need. So these features should be well-integrated in the design of cloud-computing products and services, from the very beginning of the business processes," Kroes said on Thursday in a speech at the Les Assises du Numerique conference in Paris.

Data protection standards must also be transnational, she added, noting that "the free movement of personal data within the EU is another way to complete the digital single market in Europe".

November 26, 2010 Off

Long-Term Doubts Over the Private Cloud

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Arthur Cole.

Most enterprise executives find the idea of the private cloud very appealing. After all, what’s not to like about enjoying all that scalability and flexibility within your own firewall.

But there’s a growing chorus of voices arguing that the economics of the private cloud do not work. Not only are most enterprises too small to see any real benefit to manning their own clouds, but the security and reliability fears surrounding the much more cost-effective public cloud are overblown. Private clouds, therefore, entail all the costs of traditional infrastructure but deliver none of the benefits.

November 25, 2010 Off

Software-as-a-service solutions recommended to insurance companies

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author:  Neil Hill.

Many insurance companies could benefit from using software-as-a-service solutions inside their organisation.

This is the opinion of Benjamin Moreland, a senior analyst at Celent, who told Information Management now is the time for many businesses working in the field to seriously consider making use of such offerings.

"You can no longer delude yourself into thinking you can do IT solutions better than any software-as-a-service vendor, especially into today’s market where utilisation, agility [and] speed to market … are key business drivers," he stated.