From Moore’s Law to the Law of Diminishing Returns
It looks like the good times are over and we all need to get used to a new reality of diminished expectations and slow, or even stagnant, growth.
You might think I’m talking about the economy, but I’m actually referring to processor technology.
Cloud computing market ‘set to mature in 2011’
The cloud computing market will mature during next year, becoming integrated with other emerging technologies such as social networking and smartphones.
This is according to a new report from the International Data Corporation (IDC), which forecasts cloud services will make the move from early-adopter status to mainstream adoption over the course of the year.
Google upgrades its app engine cloud platform
Google will upgrade on Thursday its Google App Engine cloud platform and its software development kit, adding capabilities for real-time communications and increased data replication.
Microsoft gains cloud security certification, follows Google lead
Microsoft has received FISMA certification for its cloud computing data centres, a key step toward gaining customers in the federal government market that has been infiltrated by rival Google. However, Microsoft’s hosted Exchange and Online services have not yet been awarded FISMA approval.
Did Amazon Just Move Supercomputing to the Cloud?
Perhaps it was inevitable: the cloud is already parsing enormous quantities of information at a high speed for the world’s webmasters; why not diversify its processor types and apply that power to problems that previously required in-house supercomputing resources?
One CIO’s View of Cloud Computing and ERP Software
Zuora Launches 4 for the Cloud
Zuora, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider of subscription-billing offerings, named a Rising Star in the 2009 CRM Market Awards, has had a busy year. With quite a few big announcements, including a couple of product releases, a partnership, and a perspective about the end of buying, Zuora is accelerating faster than you can say "subscription economy."
SMBs Mature with the Mobile Cloud
According to research by Access Markets International (AMI) Partners, 39 percent of small businesses (fewer than 100 employee) and 84 percent of medium-sized business (100-1000 employees) can be described as having a mobile workforce that, on average, spends at least four days per month out of the office.
Putting Strategy into SaaS Purchases
There is little doubt that organizations are looking to software-as-a-service (SaaS) as more than just a means to cut their costs. In a recent post of SaaS buying trends, I shared Software Insider Ray Wang’s opinion that "SaaS will be the predominant entry point for new innovation" moving forward.
But will organizations benefit from this innovation without a methodical approach to SaaS?
FTC’s ‘Do Not Track’ Could Doom Web Marketing
On December 1, the Federal Trade Commission issued a preliminary report on new standards for Internet privacy. A central element of the proposed new standards is a "Do Not Track" list that will allow individuals to opt out of having their online behavior and personal information used by individuals and companies other than the ones that own the Websites they are surfing.