Amazon Web Services Launches AWS CloudFormation
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has announced AWS CloudFormation, a new way for developers and businesses to create collections of related AWS resources and provision them in an orderly and predictable fashion.
Where Does the Cloud Go from Here?
Even as many enterprises continue to struggle to determine what, exactly, the cloud is, there is perhaps an even more important question to ponder: "Where, exactly, is the cloud going?"
Degrees of Hybrid Cloud Computing
Although there is a lot of debate about the merits of hybrid cloud computing, there does seem to be a building consensus that says a hybrid cloud will be necessary to one degree or another either as the dominant form of cloud computing or as some transitory state of enterprise IT on the way to cloud computing nirvana.
If you accept that premise, then the next logical concern becomes how quickly can your organization set up a hybrid cloud environment? As any IT executive will tell you, replicating all the application and network settings in the enterprise on a third-party cloud computing service is not especially easy.
Security top cloud for APAC SMBs
Released Thursday, the Worldwide SMB Cloud Services Study revealed that the region’s SMBs are more keen on adopting software-as-a-service (SaaS) security solutions, than counterparts in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada and Australia, which have already adopted these applications.
In addition, Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asian countries are also more likely to invest in a remotely-managed security service than the leading advanced countries, said AMI-Partners.
Google may float paid YouTube streaming subscription
Google wants to be your go-to guy for online media, and is inching closer to the launch a paid YouTube subscription service, according to reports.
But can YouTube, which has mostly been free and fed by advertising dollars, function as a pay service? And can Google acquire content rich enough to compete with Amazon, Netflix, and others?
Google Apps plug-in injects the cloud into Office
Google’s latest effort to lure business customers away from Microsoft Office to Google Apps comes in the form of a plug-in for Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The plug-in essentially syncs Office files with an online counterpart that lives in Google Docs, which allows users to always see the most recent version of a file, whether they’re viewing it in a browser, in an Office app or even on a mobile device.
Which Cloud API Do You Prefer Today?
The OpenNebula Team has just announced the availability of a Sunstone Cloud Testbed. Sunstone is offered on top of the OpenNebula Cloud, which offers a virtual computing environment accessible through two different remote cloud interfaces, OCCI and EC2, and now through a web interface, OpenNebula Sunstone.
SpotCloud Explores the Cloud’s Utility Computing Future
Parallels Launches Hosted PBX, Cloud Infrastructure Services
Hosting and cloud services specialist Parallels announced the introduction of cloud infrastructure and hosted PBX platforms, as well as support for