Cloud Storage API Wars – Here We Go Again
In Standardized Cloud APIs? Yes, Don Macvittie takes on the opposing view held by editor Mike Fratto in Standardizing Cloud APIs Is Useless.
Gentlemen, you are both right…
Cloud News, Resources and Information
In Standardized Cloud APIs? Yes, Don Macvittie takes on the opposing view held by editor Mike Fratto in Standardizing Cloud APIs Is Useless.
Gentlemen, you are both right…
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has upgraded its web-based Management Console with features designed to make it easier to "scale up or scale down as [computing] needs change," according to a blog posted on Wednesday.
By now, most data centers have been virtualized. Perhaps not to the degree that some people had expected, but virtualized nonetheless.
And now that the recession seems to be trailing off, the question of the moment is: How well will those virtual environments be able to handle the kinds of data loads that accompany a growing economy?
Data quality processes have an important role to play in the success of integration work.
This is the view of IT Business Edge columnist Loraine Lawson, who said many people do not commonly associate the two areas.
She pointed out that this can have negative implications when the time comes for integration projects to take place.
"Too often … integration focuses on the technical aspects of connecting two data sets and not on the more strategic value of ensuring you’ve also matched and integrated the business context of that data," Ms Lawson explained.
Like many consultants and others in the tech industry, I do a fair amount of travel. This past week, I was in London and New York City, and was struck by how prevalent the Cloud has become no matter where I go.
Banners promoting EMC’s cloud computing capabilities hung above the elevated walkway between central parking and the terminals at Boston’s Logan Airport (my home base) as I kicked off my travels. The first billboard greeting me as I drove out of Heathrow Airport was about the Cloud, courtesy of Microsoft.
It is the nature of prognostications to be wide of the mark. The famous quip variously attributed to Bill Gates and nearly every other software entrepreneur is that we overestimate what we can do in a couple of years and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade.
Perhaps one reason for our inaccuracy—beyond that no one knows the future—is that we make straight-line extrapolations based on the present. It’s human nature to do so, but it explains our surprise when trends don’t last forever.
Database vendor Ingres is targeting public and private clouds, announcing on Wednesday three managed services for application development, storage and analytics.
The company’s new SkySafe platform includes a single repository for transactional, real-time or analytic data stores as well as an array of security features.
Along with SkySafe, Ingres announced SkyInsight, an analytics offering that uses its VectorWise analytic database technology.
Customers will be able to use the reporting and analysis tools of their choosing, according to the company.
Last month I wrote about how overly complex software licensing terms and conditions are emerging as a sticking point for cloud adoption. Most IT procurement organizations probably consider complexity a pretty familiar opponent, however, and at least have some ideas on how to deal with it when it shows up in negotiations accompanied by its trusty sidekick, legalese.
IT organisations are turning to public cloud computing services when they come to launch mobile applications designed for multiple devices.
According to Mike Vizard, a columnist for IT Business Edge, there is a growing market for these apps, with the cloud being viewed by many as a good system for hosting them.
"Because no one is actually sure how well or how popular a new mobile application is going to be, a lot of IT organisations see public clouds as the perfect place to deploy these applications," he said.