Author: David

April 12, 2011 Off

Security ‘is not the only concern when conducting email marketing’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

Firms in New Zealand that rely on email marketing strategies are among those to have been warned of some of the factors they must address when operating such a system.

Russell Parsons, writing for Marketing Week, explained security is the obvious item on the agenda, but there can be several others.

He noted there are numerous benefits to email marketing, such as reliability, a low carbon footprint and the ability to target the right audience.

April 12, 2011 Off

Cost is no longer main driver for cloud adoption

By David
Grazed from ComputerWorld.  Author:  Anh Nguyen.

Just 16 percent of UK firms consider cost to be the main driver for initial cloud adoption, a new survey from the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) has found.

The majority of respondents (53 percent) said that the flexibility that cloud services enable in a business is now more likely to encourage them to start using cloud computing. This was particularly true for businesses with fewer than 20 employees.

April 12, 2011 Off

Enterprise Cloud Storage and the Consumerization of IT

By David
Grazed from Cloud Storage Strategy.  Author: Steve Lesem.

There are multiple productive and desirable use cases for cloud storage for the enterprise.  This spans many use cases, including specialized applications that use programmable API cloud storage, file server replacement solutions, backup and archive solutions and what we call "Personal Cloud Storage."  (Personal Cloud Storage, or PCS, is the use of PC, tablet, mobile clients and web browsers by an individual to access a pool of storage.)  As opposed to a long discussion about all these, let’s focus for a moment on the phenomena of the "consumerization" of IT and what if really means in the context of enterprise IT, and specifically as it relates to PCs…

April 11, 2011 Off

Cloud Scalability Spurring Interest in Object Storage

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Arthur Cole.

Data loads are increasing and, consequentially, so are storage requirements. Fortunately, we have the cloud, which is designed to provide the scalability we need to handle anything the digital universe throws our way, right?

April 11, 2011 Off

Email marketing strategy ‘needs to be set out early’

By David
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

Individuals need to set out what their goals are in order to take full advantage of an email marketing strategy.

Georgia Christian, writing on the Biz Community website, noted the practice needs to be about more than raising brand awareness, as despite being around for ten years, it still offers brilliant return on investment.

She added the frequency of a campaign is "hugely relevant", as companies should be looking to get the right amount of coverage to their customers, without saturating them.

April 10, 2011 Off

Cloud – A Key Enabler in the Upstream Source-to-Pay Process

By David
Grazed from Computer Weekly.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Cloud is a new channel of technology enablement that organizations of all sizes can use to leverage business applications with an on-demand, platform, or software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. Cloud is designed to help organizations move from a capital expenditure (CAPEX) model to an operating expense (OPEX) model while providing different payment options, such as pay-as-you-go or payper-project.

Because Cloud-based applications are delivered in a “one-to-many” model, users of these applications generally do not have the option of customizing the applications to their environments and instead must adopt a level of industry standardization.

April 10, 2011 Off

Building on a Cloud in Tampa

By David
Grazed from Gulf Coast Business Review.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Tampa has seen its share of technology firms come and go over the years, and the city somehow sustained minimal damage from the dot-com bust at the turn of the century. But tech is resurging with consumers becoming more accustomed to buying goods online, especially with the addition of new tablet computers, and one local player from the last wave is now positioned at the forefront.