Author: David

May 3, 2011 Off

16 G Fibre Channel Heading to the Enterprise

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Arthur Cole.
The cloud is driving new levels of storage performance, which is proving to be a boon for native Fibre Channel installations following years of erosion by Ethernet-based protocols. The first trickle of 16 Gbps Fibre Channel is starting to hit the channel, with expectations that large enterprises and cloud service providers will flock to the technology in order to accommodate expected increases in storage traffic.

May 2, 2011 Off

Data Analysis Is Creating New Business Opportunities

By David
Grazed from MIT Technology Review.  Author: Lee Gomes.

The explosion of data analytics tools is being spurred by a fundamental economic truth: the plunging cost of memory technologies. “Enterprise disk” refers to large storage drives used in data centers.
Credit: Credit Suisse and Gartner

May 2, 2011 Off

Where Is the Public Cloud 2.0?

By David
Grazed from GigaOM.  Author: Derrick Harris.

Cloud computing is no longer just the “next big thing.” It has arrived in the consciousness of the mainstream with industry buzz, TV commercials showcasing its power, and the real promise of revolutionizing computing as we know it. But for those of us dancing on the ground trying to make clouds appear out of the clear blue sky, the next generation public cloud is still just over the horizon.

May 1, 2011 Off

Cloud computing in the public sector – best practice

By David
Grazed from Computer Weekly.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Governments around the world have been looking at how best to reduce functional redundancy through the concept of "shared services" where different departments share a single source of function. For example, in the UK, a concept for a government cloud (G-Cloud) has been proposed to provide the shared services described by Sir Peter Gershon in his 2004 report – but this may have to be revisited under the current government spend reviews.