How To Know What To Safely Send To The Cloud
he dark side of the cloud’s silver lining has become apparent during the past few months. With the Amazon outage, the breach of marketing service provider Epsilon, and the attack on Sony’s PlayStation Network, companies have significant fodder for concerns over the security of the cloud.
Cloud providers need to find answers to allay these concerns. These services can be as secure as keeping data in the traditional enterprise network is, but the services are not there quite yet, says Chris Whitener, chief security strategist for Hewlett-Packard. "When we talk to customers, the first impediment to adopting cloud is worries over security," he says.
Red Hat challenges Microsoft and VMware while unveiling cloud software
Microsoft and VMware are the enemies of interoperability, and only open source software can prevent cloud lock-in.
With Sales Booming, Dell Sees a Micro Server Future
AWS, GoGrid Empower Users, ISVs with Rights Management
Lost in the storm surrounding new cloud products and leaked plans, Amazon Web Services and GoGrid both made some significant strides this week toward addressing key digital-rights management issues. Neither feature is particularly sexy by cloud computing standards, but both should improve the experience for enterprises as they move applications to the cloud.
What Happens When the Cloud Meets a Bandwidth Cap
Brocade develops ethernet fabric for cloud computing
Brocade has developed a fabric-based ethernet network, designed to tackle the challenges of networking in a cloud computing environment.
According to Brocade, Ethernet networks are not designed for cloud computing. While network managers have previously been able to optimise networks by managing performance at the network’s core, Marcus Jewell, regional sales director at Brocade, says virtualisation means network traffic becomes unpredictable.
The Software Licensing in the Cloud Conundrum
One of the thorniest issues when it comes to cloud computing is software license management. Both software vendors and customer alike, albeit for different reasons, are concerned about how software licensing in the cloud will evolve, especially in an age where software pricing is still tied heavily to the class of processor being used.
Internap Delivers OpenStack and VMware Clouds
Here Come the Cloud and Gaming Funds (And Other VC Trends)
Why Cloud Is Forcing Cisco to Embrace Open Source
Cisco’s cloud computing ambitions might be judged by outsiders as being centered around selling servers and networking gear to cloud data centers, but recent developments show that such an assessment might not be entirely fair. The networking giant has been forced to reassess its business in a major way lately, and, at long last, it appears as if Cisco understands that open source software will be critical to its cloud success.