The Network is the Problem: Barriers to cloud adoption
How can cloud computing be a sensible option when it makes you so dependent on the network, and often even the public internet? If the comms slow down, the user experience takes a dive. Lose the link completely, and you’re stuffed.
We have been hearing such questions and objections from nay-sayers ever since commercial hosted application services have been available. How legitimate are the concerns?
After all, many of us today rely on wide area comms and the internet for remote access and mobile computing, and that seems to work OK.
Cloud Economics: The Business Case for Cloud Computing Is Getting Harder to Ignore
As the economics of building IT infrastructure from scratch become harder to justify, Wall Street firms increasingly are looking to the clouds to lower the cost of operating and maintaining servers, networks and storage technology.
Cloud Computing Management and Monitoring: 7 Emerging Vendors
If you don’t have visibility into your network, you’re vulnerable. If you don’t know what devices are on the network, and which users have what privileges, you’re vulnerable.
Today, that means most organizations are vulnerable.
The state of IT today is one of limited visibility. Like an airliner flying through heavy clouds using only outdated, untrustworthy instruments, lack of insight and information can be catastrophic.
The cloud complicates this. As applications and infrastructure move beyond enterprise perimeters, it’s more and more difficult to know what’s running where, and if those resources are being used efficiently.
The Importance of Hanging Together in the Cloud
As we approach Independence Day, now may be a good time for IT organizations to remember the wise words that Benjamin Franklin once shared with his colleagues: “We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
Totango Releases Public Beta Online Service
Totango today launched the public beta of its online service, providing sales teams with an assortment of tools intended to increase visibility of their customer bases.
For the past year, the company worked with 30 software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies in private beta to build the initial product offering. Unveils Integrated Cloud Solution today announced a solution for media companies that integrates CRM, ad servers, and FinancialForce Billing in the cloud.
FinancialForce for Media automates selling, tracking, and billing for online advertising. Basically, it enables online publishers to track all stages of sales, ad serving, and the billing cycle. The solution is designed to work with all applications and synchronize with other ad servers and enterprise resource planning systems.
Is the Cloud Truly Greener?
A talk by Tom Raftery of GreenMonk at a conference earlier this month in Dublin, Ireland poses our title question. And the answer isn’t as clear-cut, or as green, as you may think.
The problem is doing the math and figuring out exactly what you are replacing with any cloud-based provider, where that provider’s data center is, and what kind of efficiency and fuels profile is being used by the provider – and your own data center – to make the calculation meaningful…
Apple Clears The Cloud Air: Details MobileMe To iCloud Transition
Apple (NSDQ:AAPL) has detailed what’s in store as MobileMe users prepare to make the leap to Apple iCloud, the company’s soon to be de facto cloud service and the lynchpin of Apple’s cloud strategy.
IBM rolls out cloud-based backup, recovery and archiving services
A set of new cloud-based backup services from IBM lets government agencies and companies save, restore and archive important data in the event of a disaster or major system failure.