Author: David

July 12, 2011 Off

Focus on Architecture First Before Moving to the Cloud

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Loraine Lawson.

The point of enterprise architecture is to look beyond the silos and create a blueprint for the business’ big-picture strategy.


As I’ve shared before, I’m somewhat confused about why, exactly, a discipline that originated in IT expects to be accepted as a sort of mastermind for designing business strategy. Isn’t that what CIOs were supposed to be doing?


July 12, 2011 Off

VMware PXE Manager

By David
Grazed from Computer Weekly.  Author: Mike Laverick.

How to set up VMware PXE Manager and its additional features. VMware expert Mike Laverick tells of his favourite ‘fling’ – Massimiliano Daneri’s PXE Manager.

VMware Labs serves as a portal for various engineers and enthusiasts to let their virtualisation pet projects out into the wild. These "Flings" as they call them are generally not supported by VMware officially, but you might find some of them very useful.

July 12, 2011 Off

VMware intros vSphere 5 and cloud infrastructure suite

By David
Grazed from ZDNet.  Author: Rachel King.

VMware has upgraded its vSphere platform and introduce a new complex cloud infrastructure suite to its already burgeoning catalog of virtualization and cloud computing solutions.

Speaking at a media event in San Francisco on Tuesday morning, VMware CEO Paul Maritz spoke broadly about the evolution of virtualization, noting that his company is “taking the next step in the journey to this more automated world.” However, to continue on this path, Maritz said that cloud computing needs to “become easier to manage” and “less costly to operate.”

July 12, 2011 Off

Cloud Computing Worth $82.9 Billion in 2016

By David
Grazed from eWeek.  Author: Nathan Eddy.

More than 30 percent of enterprises worldwide are deploying at least one cloud solution, according to a new survey by Visiongain. The IT analytics and media specialist’s latest report, titled "Cloud: Moving into the Realm of an Essential IT Strategy," examines the fast-growing cloud services market and looks at the state of enterprise cloud market and how businesses can leverage cloud services to cut costs, improve efficiency and drive innovation within their organization.

July 12, 2011 Off

Mobile Workers, Fast Threats Spur Demand For Cloud Security Services

By David
Grazed from Dark Reading.  Aurhor: Robert Lemos.

The market for cloud security services will continue to grow as companies strive to secure mobile systems and keep up with fast-moving threats, according to a new study.

In a report released this month, the Radicati Group, a market analysis firm, projects that the worldwide market for security-as-a-service will double during the next four years, reaching more than $2 billion in 2014. Companies’ problems in securing their mobile workforce is a major factor in the demand for cloud security services, says Sara Radicati, president and principal analyst for the firm.

July 11, 2011 Off

Camwood debuts cloud-based application lifecycle management

By David
Grazed from Computer Weekly.  Author: Cliff Saran.

Camwood has launched Application Lifecycle Manager, a cloud-based service to help application teams monitor application usage.

The service provides real time information on the status of a single application, groups of applications or an application portfolio, aggregating information on application usage and costs.

Camwood says the product is proving a key component for software-optimisation perspective, claiming it can help organisations save up to 20% of their desktop licensing cost.

July 11, 2011 Off

Cloud to cannibalise managed services?

By David
Grazed from IT Web Business.  Author: Nadine Arendse and Admire Moyo.

Once cloud computing reaches the stage of maturity, it will probably eat into managed services revenues.

So says Julian Liebenberg, Business Connexion’s GM for services, who, however, notes that despite the advent of cloud computing, traditional methods of installing and customising software on an organisation’s own data centre are still popular among local businesses.