Author: David

July 21, 2011 Off

Cloud computing could lead to billions in energy savings

By David

Grazed from GIGAOM.  Author: Katie Fehrenbacher

Another study out this week has found that if companies adopt cloud computing, they can reduce the energy consumption of their IT and save money on energy bills. The report, created by research firm Verdantix and sponsored by AT&T, estimates that cloud computing could enable companies to save $12.3 billion off their energy bills. That translates into carbon emission savings of 85.7 million metric tons per year by 2020…

July 21, 2011 Off

enStratus Expands Capabilities For OpenStack

By David
Grazed from PRWeb.  Author: PR Announcement.

enStratus today announced expanded capabilities for OpenStack components including OpenStack Object Storage and OpenStack Compute. This announcement highlights the significant momentum that OpenStack has built since its launch exactly one year ago.

OpenStack is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds…

July 20, 2011 Off

Cloud Creates New Focus on Infrastructure, Operations Planning

By David
Grazed from IT Business Edge.  Author: Arthur Cole.

It’s been said many times that the cloud represents a fundamental shift in enterprise operations. However, many conversations revolve primarily around the myriad ways in which the cloud will broaden existing data center functionality.


The implication is that cloud providers will fall over backwards to tailor their infrastructure to suit existing enterprise needs. But that’s true only up to a point. The other side of the coin is that today’s enterprises will have to make substantial changes, both technological and operational, in order to leverage the cloud to its full potential.

July 20, 2011 Off

Cloud computing to create one 100,000 jobs in India

By David
Grazed from IBN.  Author:  PR Announcement.

As the next technology wave, cloud computing by enterprises has the potential to create about 100,000 new jobs in India, a study said Tuesday.

"Of the projected $4.5-billion total cloud computing market in India by 2015, private cloud will account for $3.5 billion, generate about 100,000 additional jobs and save about 50 percent of cost of IT operations for Indian enterprises," the study "Private Cloud Landscape in India", by Zinnov Management Consulting and global IT firm EMC Corporation, revealed…

July 20, 2011 Off

EMC revenue grows on strength of big data, VMware

By David
Grazed from IT World.  Author: Nicolas Zeitler.

Increasing customer demand for big data technologies and cloud computing brought record financial results at EMC in the second quarter, the company reported Wednesday.

EMC’s consolidated revenue rose 20 percent to US$4.85 billion. Earnings per share increased 20 percent year over year to $0.24. The results came one day after EMC’s majority-owned subsidiary VMware reported year-over-year revenue growth of 37 percent.

July 20, 2011 Off

Non-US CIOs, wary of PATRIOT ACT, urged to encrypt data in the cloud

By David
Grazed from IT World.  Author: Georgina Swan.

CIOs the world over who do business with US organisations do so under the shadow of the US Patriot Act.

It has proven a thorn in the side of globalisation; this month members of the European Parliament demanded to know what lawmakers intend to do about the conflict between the European Union’s Data Protection Directive and the Patriot Act. The calls come after Microsoft admitted it may be forced to hand over European customers’ data on its Cloud service to US authorities and may also be compelled by the Patriot Act to keep details of any such data transfer secret.

July 20, 2011 Off

IBM and the analytical Cloud.

By David
Grazed from BusinessCloud9.  Author: Stuart Lauchlan.

IBM has combined two of its e-commerce offerings into a single online analytics package.  The IBM Coremetrics Digital Marketing Optimization Suite is the result of the merger of its Coremetrics Web analytics software with its Unica digital marketing package.

IBM acquired both firms last year to be part of IBM’s recently launched Smarter Commerce practice. It purchased Unica in August for $480 million and Coremetrics in June for an undisclosed amount. IBM’s Smarter Commerce initiative is focused on helping companies more effectively market, sell and secure greater customer loyalty in the era of social networking and mobile computing.

July 20, 2011 Off

Government Cloud – CIO Best Practices

By David
Grazed from Cloud Computing Best Practices.  Author: Neil McEvoy.

The State of Michigan’s ‘MiCloud’ strategy is a comprehensive framework for adoption of Cloud Computing by a government agency, one that can act as a best practice blueprint for others to emulate.

Most notably they opt not to use the centralized store. Instead they define their own role as a full-service solution provider for their clients, and handle all the supplier negotiations and in a manner that enables cross-provider switching and avoids vendor lock-in.

July 20, 2011 Off

Altus365 launches vSearchCloud platform for media content

By David
Grazed from ZD Net.  Author: Rachel King.

Altus365, previously known as simply Altus, is introducing vSearchCloud, a cloud-based rich-media search platform for enterprises.

Basically, the vSearchCloud platform runs on a hybrid cloud infrastructure for the purpose of building multi-format applications and to be accessible from anywhere, anytime on any device, such as desktops and smartphones. (Thus, the addition of “365″ to the company’s name.)