Author: David

March 2, 2012 Off

Cloud Computing and Export Laws: Are You Exporting Illegal Data?

By David
Grazed from InfoBoom.  Author: Gabriel Knight.

Cloud computing has opened a new world of discovery for data storage and sharing. Its ability to share both data and computing resources has caused the world to look upon it as the first major information technology of the 21st century…

March 2, 2012 Off

UN World Tourism Organization Partners With Microsoft for Cloud Computing

By David
Grazed from InfoBoom.  Author: Amanda Kondolojy.

Tourism used to be a business that relied heavily on advertising and word of mouth. Hearing stories about your friends’ recent trip to Mexico or seeing the beautiful lights of France on the cover of a magazine used to get potential travelers excited about visiting the world’s most luxurious places. However, the world has changed, and traditional methods of promotion are not considered as effective as they once were. How can the world of vacation planning adapt to the changing business landscape? According to Microsoft, the answer may be cloud computing…

March 2, 2012 Off

‘Science Cloud’ computing project will tackle biggest mysteries of the universe

By David
Grazed from MNN.  Author: Clara Moskowitz.

The Science Cloud will be tested by three organizations during a two-year pilot phase before it opens up to more groups.  A new cloud-computing project called the "Science Cloud" has just been launched by some of Europe’s biggest research powerhouses along with European IT companies.

The European Space Agency (ESA), along with the CERN physics lab (home of the world’s largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), hope to use the Science Cloud to carry out large complicated calculations probing some of the biggest mysteries of the universe…
March 2, 2012 Off

CIA wants big data, petascale computing to speed info analysis

By David
Grazed from GCN.  Author: Henry Kenyon.

The CIA is embracing big data to dramatically speed up the time it takes to analyze and act on the sea of data its sensors and agents collect, a top agency official said.

There have been profound changes caused by technology in recent years, much of it driven by social, mobile and cloud applications, said Ira “Gus” Hunt, the CIA’s chief technology officer, speaking at the recent AFCEA Emerging Technologies Symposium in Washington DC. One example of this is the Arab Spring uprising, which would not have been possible without those technologies, he said, adding that cheap, ubiquitous and networked devices change how the public and private sectors do business…

March 2, 2012 Off

Cloud Computing: Wayin Gets Second Round of Funding

By David
Grazed from Sys Con Media.  Author: Maureen O’Gara.

Wayin, the 18-month-old Scott McNealy start-up, has topped up its funding with a $14 million B round lead by US Venture Partners with the participation of TIBCO, the big Silicon Valley law firm Wilson Sonsini and a very locker room crowd of private investors including TV producer Burt Sugarman, real estate developer Michael Meldman, Gunthy-Renker co-CEO Ben Van de Bundt, former Great Plains CEO and ex-Microsoft SVP Doug Burgum, sportscaster Jim Gray and others.

Financing so far totals $20 million…

March 2, 2012 Off

Process: The Forgotten Component of Cloud Computing

By David
Grazed from B/OSS.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Carrier cloud providers are moving as quickly as possible to offer new services in order to build new channels and acquire new customers. They have solved technical challenges and have an impressive array of composite services. But now cloud providers need to monetize their investment, and it’s at this point that many carriers are challenged, having overlooked the creation of effective processes that enable the sale, consumption and ongoing performance of their services. Monitoring and management of cloud computing services require a customer-retention strategy…

March 2, 2012 Off

Why Putting 99.9% of Computing on the Cloud Works for Risk Analytics Firm Axioma

By David
Grazed from American Banker.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Those who still fear cloud computing (and if you do, you’re not alone, many bankers suffer from cloud anxiety) should consider the example set by risk analytics firm Axioma. The company puts 99.9% of its computing on the cloud, specifically on Microsoft’s Windows Azure platform, and has done so for more than three years without incident. Azure is a platform used to build, host and scale web applications through Microsoft data centers. (In another banking example, Temenos’ T24 core processing platform runs on Microsoft Windows Azure.)

"We’re using the cloud to plan more effectively," says Philip Jacob, senior director of risk management at Axioma, New York, who spoke at a CIO panel sponsored by Intralinks yesterday and then in a follow-up interview. The company is building a multi-asset-class risk management system for calculating potential losses on large books of complex assets. It provides stress testing under a variety of market scenarios…

March 2, 2012 Off

ODCA provides guidance on carbon data for cloud providers

By David
Grazed from DataCenterDynamics.  Author: Ambrose McNevin.

Companies issuing requests for proposals for cloud services can now tap into information on Carbon Footprint, IO Controls, Provider Assurance, Security Monitoring and VM Interoperability. 

These are the five usage models that feature in reports from the Open Data Center Alliance, a body set up to develop a standards based approach to cloud computing service provision.

Within the guidance offered on Carbon Footprint, the ODCA says ‘This Usage Model establishes an open standard approach for measuring the carbon footprint of services provided from the cloud.’…

March 2, 2012 Off

Big Data and Cloud Computing in Academics

By David
Grazed from Sys Con Media.  Author: Srinivasan Sundara Rajan.

Information Delivery Needs in Academics
Analyzing massive amounts of unstructured content and extracting information out of them is necessary for many industry verticals and particularly important for academics. The following points highlight the growing needs for information delivery in the field of education and research:

  • (Higher) Education Going Virtual: With the increased costs of higher education and other federal-related restrictions on travel from other countries, higher education is turning more toward the virtual class room and this trend will increase in the future. This means that there are an increasing number of students who will look for information over the virtual classrooms and by other means such as social media, access through smart devices, etc. The more unstructured the data, the greater the need to process them toward meaningful content for students…
March 2, 2012 Off

Hackers Stole $ 1billion in Brazil, The Worst Prepared Nation to Adopt Cloud Technology

By David
Grazed from Forbes.  Author: Ricardo Geromel.

Pricewatercooperhouse has recently released a study revealing that in 2011 hackers have stolen  US$ 1 billion from companies in Brazil. On the top of that, BSA (Business Software Alliance) ranked Brazil the least prepared nation to adopt cloud computing technology among the 24 countries that account for 80 percent of the world’s information and communications technology.

In 2011 Hackers stole 1$bi from companies in Brazil

A recent survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) reveals that about one third of companies in Brazil (32%) was victim of cyber attacks last year. The world average is lower: 23%. In Brazil, 8% of the companies attacked had losses greater than $ 5 million. In total, hackers stole $ 1 billion from companies in Brazil in 2011…