Armory Brings Cross-environment Orchestration, Validation, and Advanced Deployment Strategies to AWS Marketplace
November 25, 2022Armory announced its new cloud-based solution called Continuous Deployment-as-a-Service, is now available on the AWS Marketplace.
Deployment frequency, lead time to changes and rollback failure rate are some of the top metrics of DevOps success. Armory is working to solve deployment slow-downs and enhance development team performance through Continuous Deployment as-as-a-Service (CD-as-a-Service). With this service, developers will enjoy fast, reliable declarative deployments with the GitOps experience they love. They can write code, package artifacts, declare application targets and commit. Armory Continuous Deployment-as-a-Service takes care of the rest.
The CD-as-a-Service app complements AWS EKS by adding cross-environment orchestration, validation and advanced deployment strategies. Once artifacts are built, teams can trigger CD-as-a-Service from the CodePipeline to automatically update staging environments and run post-deployment validation, including security scanners, integration tests and more.
If the software passes all tests, CD-as-a-Service will automatically deploy to the production environments. The technology leverages advanced deployment strategies, including blue/green and canary, to ensure service health during production deployment and executes an automatic rollback if it encounters any unexpected issues.
Using CD-as-a-Service, DevOps teams can reduce manual effort and accelerate deployment frequency while ensuring the code is high quality and ready for production.
Download the Continuous Deployment-as-a-Service app from the AWS Marketplaceto get started.