Are we reaching the end of the cloud utopia?

October 29, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ITProPortal. Author: Sam Pudwell.

Cloud security is a hot topic if ever there was one, so it certainly didn’t slip through the cracks at Intel’s Focus 15 conference, with a talk led by Raj Samani, Chief Technology Officer for EMEA at Intel Security, raising some particularly interesting points. Anyone with even a slight interest in the technology industry will be aware of the hype that has surrounded cloud computing for some time now, but are the security implications really being taken seriously by organisations and, more importantly perhaps, are they fully understood?

Right at the beginning of the talk, Raj made the statement that, although it has been hyped up more than anything else, “to me, cloud computing is not a remarkable technology.” Putting whether you agree with that or not to one side, what is hard to disagree with is that, so far, it has in general been used for fairly unremarkable means…

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