Are There Workloads that Don’t Belong in the Public Cloud?

May 27, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from NetworkWorld. Author: Jon Oltsik.

According to ESG research, 75% of organizations are currently using a public cloud service while another 19% have plans or interest in doing so (note: I am an ESG employee). Furthermore, 56% of all public cloud-based workloads are considered IT production workloads while the remaining 44% are classified as non-production workloads (i.e. test, development, staging, etc.).

This trend has lots of traditional IT vendors somewhat worried, as well they should be. Nevertheless, some IT veterans believe that there are limitations to this movement. Yes, pedestrian workloads may move to the public cloud over the next few years but business-critical applications, key network-based business processes, and sensitive data should (and will) remain firmly planted in enterprise data centers now and forever…

Poppycock I say. While this seems to be a logical, albeit self-serving perspective, this thesis doesn’t appear to hold any water. To be clear, enterprise organizations understand the risks of placing critical workloads and sensitive data in the public cloud and some are more risk-averse than others, but these seem to be short-term process rather than long-term philosophical barriers…

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