Are there Citizen Developers in your Cloud?

June 9, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from WhaTech. Author: Editorial Staff.

They are the amongst the most productive and self-reliant members of your staff, user of your IT systems who used to be called “power users” but now they’re being given the trendy new appellation of “citizen developers.” Are they going to be key players in your move to Cloud computing?

There are various reasons for moving your applications to the Cloud. The ones most commonly mentioned are cost savings (potentially considerable) and the ability to react quickly to workload changes (scale-out and elasticity). Not so often discussed is the new ability for your people to more rapidly develop and deploy new Cloud-based applications that will differentiate your organisation and give it a business advantage…

Here’s where your Citizen Developers can play a big role in your organisation’s success. You can download an interesting survey report by TrackVia that elaborates on the concept of the Citizen Developer, explaining for example how they tend to be younger…

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