Apache CloudStack 4.2: Easier upgrades, faster installation, better scaling

October 1, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from InfoWorld. Author: Serdar Yegulalp.

Apache CloudStack, software for creating and managing private cloud infrastructures and IaaS generally, is now in its second release — 4.2 — since becoming an Apache Software Foundation (ASF) project. Formerly a Citrix product, CloudStack was open-sourced and then donated to the ASF, where it became an ASF Top-Level Project — a mark of ASF prestige — in March. Citrix still offers Apache CloudStack as part of its commercial CloudPlatform product, but one can always download CloudStack itself and use that for free.

Chip Childers of the ASF uses the term "cloud orchestration software" to describe what CloudStack is meant to be about, and he stressed its wide adoption. "[CloudStack is] used in hundreds of production environments today, powering everything from large-scale public cloud providers, to small dev/test lab infrastructure, and everything in between," Childers said…

"The largest known installation of the software is controlling over 40,000 physical hosts." Childers described three kinds of changes made in recent revisions of CloudStack:…

Read more from the source @ http://www.infoworld.com/t/iaas/apache-cloudstack-42-easier-upgrades-faster-installation-better-scaling-227913