An Inside Look At Massachusetts’ Grand Open Cloud Experiment

October 1, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from TechTarget. Author: Kristin Knapp.

While public cloud adoption continues to grow in the enterprise, some markets — such as life sciences, academia and HPC — crave a different kind of cloud. And that’s exactly what Orran Krieger, research professor and director of the cloud computing initiative at Boston University’s Hariri Institute, wants to create.

Alongside other members of the academic community and the state of Massachusetts, Krieger is launching the Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC), a new flavor of public cloud based on an open and customizable model Krieger says contrasts sharply with the leading public cloud platforms today…

Dubbed as Massachusetts’ first Open Cloud eXchange (OCX), the MOC was introduced in April 2014. After a proof of concept last year, Krieger and his team hope to stand up a production environment over the next several months. The MOC, at first, will be used primarily by researchers and students across the five universities supporting it, and then become commercially available…

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