An Easy Approach To Cloud Applications

March 19, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from HostReview.  Author: Christa Joe.

One of the major advancement in technology that organizations use these days to optimally utilize their IT infrastructure services is Cloud Computing. Cloud computing platforms allow companies to use infrastructure, software and other applications as a service rather than a product. This minimizes the extra cost of installation of resources at unit level and installing a single infrastructure unit supports a cluster of users, while each user thinks of resource as a dedicated unit for him.

But the technology is never granted to a single authority and a number of cloud computing companies are present in the market providing platforms, according to the budget and requirement of the client. So, the main concern for a client is to choose a correct platform for its working. Many cloud providers are available in the market with the same core functionality but along with it they have a USP of their own, the parameter that differentiates them with others providing the same service to the client…

So the easiest approach while choosing a cloud platform or application for a client is, it should match the requirements and should support the future scaling of the infrastructure according to the changing need of the organization. Some of the parameters that should be considered before choosing a cloud application are:

  • Easy & fast: Whichever computing platform the client may choose, it should be fast to deploy and should be easy to use among it’s category of platforms.
  • Scalability: The platform should be flexible enough to the changes in accordance with the changing requirements of the client i.e. it should be easily scalable.
  • Versatile: The platform a client chooses should easily be deployed and integrated with its applications and other off-the-shelf-packages.
  • Secure: The most important thing to an organization is its data and applications, on which the whole functionality of the organizations depends. This raises the concern of security in the cloud. Hence, the cloud should be secure enough that all the transactions between the user and the server should take place securely.
  • Roll back: In case something goes wrong while updating the cloud elements or scaling the cloud platform due to changing needs, the cloud should be able to roll back to the previous condition of system without much complexity.

A number of cloud computing models are drafted, defining the purpose of each model and their area of deployment:

  • Community Cloud: This type of cloud is suitable for those types of organizations which collaborate with other organizations and deploy the cloud platform with others due to similar business needs. It is like sharing a cloud between two or more organizations.
  • Private Cloud: In this model, access to the cloud is provided within the organization as it allows only specific personnel to use the platform. People who work for the organization and are usually authorized to access the services of the cloud.
  • Public Cloud: This type of cloud is designed for the public use of the services and not for the single organization or group of organizations. Services like Google translation and web analytics fall under this category.
  • Hybrid Cloud: This is a combination of more than one cloud models. Here the benefits of multiple cloud deployment are offered to the users.

Companies are free to deploy a model of their own choice and making the maximum out of it in terms of infrastructure and productivity. And, only the clients are the one’s who decide the model and platform provider to choose according to their future perspective and current growth rate.