Amazon’s Strategy To Dominate Cloud Computing With AWS

October 13, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from SeekingAlpha. Author: Gary Bourgeault.

Amazon has been ramping up the pace of its growth strategy for Amazon Web Services (AWS), as it moves from primarily servicing small and mid-size businesses, to enterprise companies. Its existing strategy has been based upon gaining market share by slashing prices, having done so for just under 50 times since 2006.
That will probably continue going forward.

That has some risk associated with it because of the potential it could be considered a commodity business rather than one that adds value. Some of that appears to have been mitigated by its large number of announcements of new products or services added to its cloud business. Rather than look at the new services in this article, we’ll look at the strategy Amazon is using to gain market share while positioning itself for future price boosts once its customers are locked in…

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