Amazon Web Services storm outages serve as a warning of cloud risk to businesses
June 6, 2016Grazed from AFR. Author: Paul Smith.
Australian businesses have been warned they need to spread the risk in their cloud computing operations across different regions after the Sydney storms on Sunday knocked out the operations of numerous Amazon Web Services customers. The ferocious storms that hit NSW, left AWS clients including Domino’s Pizza, Foxtel, The Iconic, Stan and Domain without websites or key systems for hours.
It served as a warning that sending systems to the cloud, rather than hosting them on-premise did not remove the risk of costly failures. The failure represents a major embarrassment for the company, which generated $US2.57 billion revenue in the latest quarter, based largely on the fact that it is perceived as being hugely reliable…
It meant that customers that had committed all of their systems to its care were unable to trade from mid-afternoon until as late as Monday morning. On Monday AWS refused to discuss the reasons behind the outage, instead referring inquiries to an online site, which showed the status of its data centres…
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