Amazon Vs. Alibaba: Cloud Computing & Infrastructure Growth

May 20, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Editorial Staff.

Online retail giants Amazon and Alibaba have both seen massive growth in their cloud computing businesses over the past few years. Both Amazon Web Services and Alibaba’s cloud computing and infrastructure segments have outpaced the growth in total worldwide spending on cloud computing and infrastructure services.

Alibaba has grown at a faster pace than Amazon, primarily due to the fact that it is primarily present in China, which is a relatively nascent and fast-growing market. Correspondingly, Alibaba’s cloud computing revenues are significantly lower than Amazon’s AWS revenues. According to an estimate by Technology Business Research, the global cloud computing market is likely to continue to grow at a similar pace over the next few years…

It should be noted that the global cloud computing market size estimated in the report does not include certain sub-segments such as cloud business process services (or Business-Process-as-a-Service), cloud management, cloud security services and cloud advertising. Comparatively, the cloud computing market in China could grow at a CAGR of about 45% over the next few years, according to an estimate by Bain & Company…

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