Amazon orders new wind farm in Ohio to help power cloud business

November 1, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from SeattleTimes. Author: Angel Gonzalez. said Monday that it’s commissioning a new wind farm in Ohio to help offset the power needs of its cloud computing business. Amazon Web Services, as the tech giant’s cloud computing division is known, has vowed to fulfill at least half of the energy needs of its big data centers with renewable energy by 2017.

That’s up from 40 percent in 2016, a goal that Amazon says it is on track to meet or exceed. The data centers that house the computing power and storage that Amazon and other cloud giants rent out have been called out by environmentalists as a growing source of emissions. Amazon’s new wind farm will be in Hardin County, Ohio, 70 miles northwest of Columbus, and when it opens in December 2017 it will be its second such facility in the state…

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