Amazon On Track To Exceed $7 Billion A Year In AWS Cloud Services

November 30, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: TJ McCue.

Amazon’s “Amazon Web Services” (AWS) and Microsoft’s Azure are in a global land grab, according to cloud expert Adrian Cockcroft. He spoke at the annual Structure Conference last week, shared a tightly focused “state of the cloud” presentation, where he expressed that the tech and investor community is likely underestimating the potential of the AWS offering.

Sitting in the audience with my media pass, I listened attentively, as did 600 others, to Cockcroft’s current assessment and predictions of what’s to come for cloud computing. “Amazon could be growing even faster than current analyst projections of 80% per year,” Cockcroft said. He states that Amazon is in the lead; with Microsoft Azure in second, Google in third…

Over the last few quarters, Amazon has reported increasing revenues for its AWS to the tune of $7B. Some here at Forbes, and elsewhere, have estimated that revenue could more than double to $15B by 2019, a short four years from today…

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