Amazon Launches Cloud Service for Oracle DB Management
May 24, 2011If you’ve got a complicated enterprise relational database—specifically Oracle DB—helping run your business, you now can subscribe to a new cloud service that can help make your life a whole lot easier.
Amazon Web Services on May 24 launched its own Amazon Relational Database Service specifically for use with Oracle Database 11g Release 2.
Amazon RDS is designed to manage common database administration tasks that include provisioning, backups, software patching, monitoring and hardware scaling—all those housekeeping-type administrative tasks that are tedious but periodically need to be done.
Oracle Database is the second supported database engine for Amazon RDS, which already works with managed MySQL deployments.
The new Amazon service for Oracle comes in two all-you-can-eat-type licenses: License Included and BYOL (Bring-Your-Own-License). In the License Included service model, users do not need a separately purchased Oracle license; the Oracle Database software has been licensed by Amazon Web Services.
License Included pricing starts at 16 cents per hour per instance, inclusive of software, underlying hardware resources and Amazon RDS management capabilities, Amazon said.
Under the BYOL model, users who already own Oracle Database licenses can run Oracle deployments on Amazon RDS with rates starting at 11 cents per hour, Amazon said. The BYOL model is designed for customers who prefer to use existing Oracle database licenses or purchase new licenses directly from Oracle.
The services are based on hourly pricing with no up-front fees or long-term commitments, Amazon said. Customers also have the option to purchase Reserved Database Instances under one- or three-year reservation terms.