Alibaba buys cloud storage firm Kanbox

September 25, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Global Times. Author: Zhang Ye.

Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba Group announced it would acquire leading domestic cloud storage service provider Kanbox on Wednesday, in an effort to further develop its business in the cloud computing sector and improve user experiences on the mobile front.

With Kanbox’s technology, Alibaba aims to forge an efficient and secure personal cloud storage platform, a PR representative told the Global Times Wednesday, though refusing to reveal the financial details. After the acquisition, Alibaba plans to directly connect its user accounts with Kanbox’s accounts system, enabling online shoppers and sellers to save their trading data in virtual facilities hosted by Kanbox, according to a statement sent to the Global Times by Alibaba…

The statement also said that in the future the company will put more effort into developing its cloud storage unit, as the cloud storage service plays a key role in developing its "wireless ecological system."…

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