Agilisys launches managed IaaS for cloud virgins

October 17, 2011 Off By David
Grazed form Cloud Pro.  Author: Editorial Staff.

Agilisys today announced the launch of its new managed Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings in an attempt to help ease businesses into the cloud.

The company claimed to have “identified a gap in the market” for companies who are thinking of using cloud computing but may find it difficult to both manage and “fully understand” what is on offer…

As such, Agilisys Cloud Services will provide “lightly managed” IaaS for those customers who want to manage their own cloud environments eventually, but want time to get their head around what needs to be done.

Agilisys – a UK-based provider with all its data centres located in the country – will lighten the load by taking on the likes of back-up, monitoring and capacity management and will also offer numerous hosted solutions – including co-location and multi-site disaster recovery – to make the transition even simpler.

The solutions will be backed up by consultancy services, including a Cloud Readiness Check to assess how prepared a company is for moving to the cloud.

As its customers grow in confidence, Agilisys plans to expand the solutions it offers in order to “create a fully flexible IaaS suite” along with different SLAs to chose from, depending on business needs.

David Cotterell, managing director at the firm, said: “Agilisys is targeting organisations yet to fully exploit the cloud and we are continuing to develop further IaaS-based products for that market, as well as looking at how this technology can support our existing public sector partnerships.”

“All our cloud solutions will focus on delivering business value underpinned by excellent customer service and support.”