Addressing cloud complexity & challenges of a modern IT world

February 10, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from TheInformationDaily. Author: Phil Turner.

The rise of cloud computing and the increasing demand to access applications anytime, anywhere has transformed the IT landscape and for many decision makers, it’s a struggle to simply stay in control. At the heart of any IT strategy is the need to uphold data security. Yet the rise of cloud computing has allowed the battle lines, once clearly marked as ‘us’ versus ‘the outside world’, to become blurred.

While the cloud provides employees with the freedom to choose, control and manage their own applications, both its openness and accessibility, whilst advantageous, presents a new set of challenges.Businesses now have to contend with a whole host of different devices, not all of which are vetted by the IT department. Similarly employees are increasingly using the tools and applications most familiar to them to complete their job, rather than those provided by the organisation…

Understanding the Extent of the Problem

According to our new research report, employees are now believed to be accessing a minimum of eight cloud applications per month. However, worryingly one third (37 per cent) are doing so without IT jurisdiction. As a result, it’s no surprise that the research also showed that only 9 per cent of IT decision makers are confident that they have complete visibility of all the applications currently being used by employees…

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