A Tale of Two Companies: Measuring Clouds

August 15, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from MSPMentor. Author: Michael Brown.

Measuring ROI for cloud usage is no doubt a difficult task, and when prospective clients are considering potential cloud-based MSPs, it may still be something they want to hear about. However each company is different and MSPs need to be able to modify their approaches accordingly. As this article from InformationWeek explains, there are big differences between a new, fast growing company like Airbnb and a monolithic, experienced company like GE, and how they use cloud services such as cloud-based file sharing.

You Merely Adopted the Cloud, We Were Born in It

The perception of the cloud is clearly very different to a company such as Airbnb versus a company like GE. Airbnb, a company that provides a platform where people can rent their apartments or vacation homes directly to strangers via the internet, has never even had its own data center. Six years ago the company launched via cloud services, and subsequently built all of their applications in the cloud…

Therefore Airbnb’s view of calculating ROI on cloud usage is a bit more lax than many other companies. In fact it landed in the 20 percent of companies that don’t calculate ROI for their cloud projects. MSPs should take note, these newer, agile and cloud-based companies may have varying perceptions and therefore approaches for potential clients need to be adjusted. If a company like Airbnb doesn’t care much for calculated ROI on cloud, then a pitch based on that ROI will be ineffective. Instead perhaps focus on the intangible and long term benefits of cloud services as a whole…

Read more from the source @ http://mspmentor.net/infocenter-cloud-based-file-sharing/0815%604/tale-two-companies-measuring-clouds