A Maturing OpenStack Prepares To Take On New Challenges

November 3, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TechCrunch. Author: Frederic Lardinois.

OpenStack, the fast-growing open source cloud computing platform that now has the backing of more than 200 companies, is holding its semiannual developer conference in Paris this week. With over 4,500 attendees, it’s the organization’s largest event so far. While this illustrates the interest in the platform, the project is also facing a set of new challenges with its growing popularity.

During today’s keynote a number of speakers noted that the project’s six-month release cycle makes it harder for large organizations to adopt the platform. The head of BMW’s datacenter Stefan Lenz, for example, noted that too many big changes happen from release to release. "We need more stability in the future," he noted. "But that doesn’t prevent us from using it right now as it is."…

BMW currently only runs a 100 core OpenStack cluster in what Lenz called a ‘semi-productive’ environment that is mostly dedicated to developing the company’s practices around OpenStack…

Read more from the source @ http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/03/a-maturing-openstack-prepares-to-take-on-new-challenges/