A call for more cloud computing transparency
February 8, 2016Grazed from ZDNet. Author: Larry Dignan.
The cloud needs to become more transparent especially since the industry is scaling to dominate enterprise technology. In a recent research note, Gartner argued that the revenue claims of cloud vendors are increasingly hard to digest. Gartner said enterprises shouldn’t take vendor cloud revenue claims at face value and evaluate them based on strategy and services (naturally using tools from the research firm).
A week ago, I argued that Google should provide some kind of cloud run rate just so customers can get a feel for scale and how it compares to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft’s Azure and IBM. Oh well. Unlike Gartner, I think the revenue figures matter somewhat, but are far from the deciding factor…
But debating revenue run rates and nuances between the private and public cloud variations misses the point. What’s missing from the cloud equation today is better transparency. With that issue in mind, here’s where I think we need to go in terms of cloud transparency:…
Read more from the source @ http://www.zdnet.com/article/a-call-for-more-cloud-computing-transparency/