9 Cloud Skills IT Pros Need Now

August 11, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InformationWeek. Author: Andrew Froelich.

The rise of cloud computing has been a game-changer for not only businesses, but also IT pros looking to stay relevant. Here are 9 must-have skills in different aspects of cloud technologies needed to compete. Cloud computing is a huge part of IT, and its growth shows no sign of slowing down.

As an IT professional, it makes sense to start looking into obtaining skills in different aspects of cloud technologies to further your career. Here, we’ve identified 9 of those skills. Keep in mind, we’re not suggesting that all IT pros are going to be working for a service provider one day. In reality, most will end up on the customer end of the cloud relationship…

While some of the skills we mention would only be useful for IT pros working inside a cloud provider shop, they are also useful in giving customers insight into how the cloud operates…

Read more from the source @ http://www.informationweek.com/cloud/9-cloud-skills-it-pros-need-now-/d/d-id/1326550