79% of CIOs Are Concerned About Hidden Costs of Cloud Computing

July 27, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from Cloudtimes.org.  Author: Irmee Layo.

Cloud computing has gained leverage over the last decade as businesses are compelled to migrate to this new platform. Virtualization has capitalized on cost efficiency as its main strength for any industry. However, recent revelations has uncovered that there may be hidden costs that cloud providers are not showing.  Loopholes that may have been missed by cloud fanatics are the concerns of power shortages and security issues.

These potential glitches can actually bring up the costs for any company. It is also expected that as more companies force into the cloud, heavy traffic becomes a likely incident.  The issue now is not just the cost, but unsatisfied customers that will scout for competitor providers. CIOs are also concerned that when things are running smoothly, this may be the time when issues of performance, security or service availability may arise…

These concerns were explored in a study conducted by Research In Action from Compuware Corporation last December 2012, which gathered 468 CIOs from Asia, US and Europe as respondents. The study was created to look into the top investment priorities and IT projects of 2013. Perspectively, the study showed that 79% of the CIOs thought of the potential hidden costs of cloud computing. The costs here can be anywhere from subscription fees, system and staff setup and training. Here are the detailed concerns they have of cloud computing migration:…

Read more from the source @ http://cloudtimes.org/2013/07/27/cio-hidden-costs-cloud-computing/