6 Tips for Increasing the Portability of Your Hybrid Cloud Security Strategy

May 24, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from CSOOnline. Author: Scott Montgomery.

The prices and services that cloud infrastructure providers offer change so often that you may be doing yourself a disservice by tying your hybrid cloud to one particular vendor. We’re even starting to see services emerge that shift workloads transparently between cloud providers to give customers the best deal.

Security should be a high priority in any scenario, however, and strategies for hybrid cloud environments must take into account the potential for frequent movement of data between public clouds as well as between public and private clouds. Here are six factors to consider to ensure that your security strategy is portable across all services and service providers…

1. Sweat the SLAs

Specify to any prospective cloud provider what levels of security you need for the assets you’re moving into a public cloud and any restrictions you require regarding how data is stored, backed up, and encrypted. Among the factors to include in a service level agreement (SLA) are data privacy, data flow, data storage, the physical location of data, and the type of encryption used. Cloud providers generally have their own tools and standards in each of these areas, so focus on the desired outcomes rather than technologies…

Read more from the source @ http://www.csoonline.com/article/3072656/security/6-tips-for-increasing-the-portability-of-your-hybrid-cloud-security-strategy.html